Advanced Calculator

Advanced Calculator



    The Advanced Calculator Tools is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool that allows you to perform various mathematical operations instantly. Whether you need basic arithmetic, square root calculations, or modulus operations, this calculator has you covered.

    Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to use it efficiently.

    How to Use the Advanced Calculator Tools

    Advance Calculator Tools

    Step 1: Enter the First Number

    Step 2: Select the Operation

    • Choose an operation from the dropdown list:
    1. Addition (+)
    2. Subtraction (-)
    3. Multiplication (*)
    4. Division (/)
    5. Power (^) (Exponentiation)
    6. Square Root (√)
    7. Modulus (%)

    Step 3: Enter the Second Number (If Required)

    Step 4: Click the “Calculate” Button

    Step 5: View and Manage History

    Read this for more information about this tool